4+ Nutrition
4+ Nutrition BCAA + 2: 1: 1
4+ Nutrition BCAA + 2: 1: 1
200 tabs
Melsfit store
rue de Lyon 10
1201 Geneve
Le Flon (Lausanne)
Rue de Genève 21
1003 Lausanne
BCAA + is a branched chain amino acid supplement (L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine) with the addition of vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 to maximize uptake and efficiency. Each 1150 mg tablet contains 1g of amino acids in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.
BCAA: Branched chain amino acid. Probably one of the most popular and widely used supplements, and for good reason. These are three of the eight essential amino acids that our body cannot synthesize and which must therefore be obtained externally. They have a very special characteristic that unites them: unlike others that have to be forcibly metabolized in the liver, these can be metabolized in other tissues in our body, especially muscles. They can therefore be used by the muscles as an energy sub-layer instead of being absorbed. They act on the brain with another essential amino acid, namely tryptophan, which decreases the synthesis of serotonin which contributes to the feeling of fatigue.
In addition, leucine, but also the other two, trigger protein synthesis directly and independently of other stimuli or signals.
They are therefore particularly useful before, during and after a physical activity, whether it is aerobic, aerobic or mixed, and whether it lasts a long time or not, because the feeling of fatigue is typical of any physical activity, especially of high intensity. Likewise, but conversely, the catabolism of muscle proteins is the result of any medium or high intensity physical activity.
A propos de 4+ Nutrition
4+ Nutrition est née en 2004 de l'idée et de l'expérience de personnes qui, après avoir travaillé pendant des années dans la distribution en Italie de compléments sportifs produits aux États-Unis et au Canada (les véritables pionniers dans ce secteur), ont décidé d'utiliser le savoir-faire acquis pour cultiver une aspiration précise : créer une entreprise qui contrôle toute la chaîne d'approvisionnement qui mène à la création du produit et à sa mise sur le marché, afin de garantir une qualité et une sécurité extrêmes.
C'est ainsi que naissent nos produits rigoureusement "Made in Italy", caractérisés par des matières premières de haute qualité et réalisés à l'aide de technologies de production innovantes et de formules avancées, fruit d'une recherche continue.